The terrorists out there use every nugget of information to help develop their master plan . 那些恐怖主义分子是在利用一切重要情报帮助实现他们的总计划。
Tens of thousands of commodities are produced by millions of people of their own volition and without central direction or master plan . 千百万人生产着千百万种商品,大致都是由他们自己意志支配的,而没有统一的领导和计划。
A ten-year master plan includes programmes to improve schools, assist minority businesses, provide job training and employment as well as cultural opportunities and recreations . 总计划预期十年完成,其中包括扩建学校、资助有色人种兴办实业、提供职业训练和就业机会以及新建文化娱乐场所等项目。
Master planning of resources for modern manufacturing 现代制造业资源主计划1 - 2
Implementation of sewerage master plans by districts -分区实施污水收集整体计划
L have a design for the future . a master plan 我对未来已经有了设计,一个总体规划
L have a design for the future . a master plan 我对未来已经有了设计,一个总体规划
Greening master plan for kowloon west - studies and works 九西绿化总纲图研究及工程
Greening master plan for kowloon east - studies and works 九东绿化总纲图研究及工程
Photo of map of the 16 sewerage master plans 十六个污水收集整体计划地图图片